9 healthy nuts – Killianika
9 healthy nuts

9 healthy nuts

Nuts are an amazing product. They are delicious and satisfying, suitable for any type of food, they can be added to a variety of dishes or eaten separately as a nutritious snack. All nuts are a great source of healthy unsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. But still, they differ in composition and their most important properties. It's time to find out what's special about each of the popular nuts and create your own perfect mix.

1. Cashews
Cashews contain a lot of copper (more than a third of the daily value in a handful of nuts) - it provides powerful antioxidant protection and helps to absorb many important vitamins and minerals. It also contains a lot of magnesium (strengthens the bones and nervous system) and iron (saturates the body with oxygen).

2. Walnut
These nuts are 65% fat, and all healthy. They contain a lot of essential omega-3 fatty acid (more of it only in fish and chia seeds), which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Walnut is not in vain in shape resembles the brain. Thanks to the large amount of polyphenols, vitamin E and the same omega-3 in the composition, these nuts can improve memory, concentration and reduce anxiety.
Why walnuts are extremely good for the heart.

3. Peanuts
In fact, these are not nuts, but real beans. Therefore, peanuts, like any legumes, are very high in protein and low in carbohydrates. This means that peanut butter without added sugar is quite a useful and nutritious filling for a sandwich and an addition to your favorite dishes.
Peanuts contain a lot of B vitamins, which we often do not get enough of. For example, vitamin B1 improves brain function, B3 reduces blood pressure and regulates the nervous system, and B9 (folic acid) ensures normal cell growth and division.

4. Cedar
With pine nuts, you should not overdo it — they are quite fat and high in calories, but they serve as a perfect finishing touch to salads, pastas, porridges and other dishes. If you eat them regularly, but a little bit, you can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Cedar is high in magnesium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones, as well as zinc, a mineral that plays an important role in the immune system. Finally, cedar contains a lot of vitamin E — a powerful antioxidant that protects the body at the cellular level.

5. Almonds
Ideal nuts for those who want to improve the functioning of the digestive system. First, almonds can improve the state of the microflora and increase the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Secondly, this nut has a lot — but not too much-fat (mostly healthy unsaturated), enough protein and little sugar.
Almonds make delicious and nutritious milk, cheese and butter. And almond chips perfectly complement desserts and salads with fruit.

6. Hazelnuts
Like other nuts, it reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body and improves the tone of blood vessels.
Hazelnuts contain a lot of biotin (a catalyst vitamin that helps the body release energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates), B vitamins and a record amount of magnesium for nuts — 50 grams of hazelnuts contain about 85% of the daily value of this important mineral that improves our thinking abilities and normalizes sleep.

7. Brazil nut
These incredibly nutritious "cream" nuts are actually the seeds of one of the largest trees in the Amazon tropics. They are the richest source of selenium — this mineral works as a strong antioxidant and boosts the immune system.
Studies confirm that regular consumption of small portions of Brazil nuts (up to 50 grams) can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, improve lipid metabolism and reduce the level of oxidative stress.

8. Macadamia
The main useful properties of these exotic nuts are associated with improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening blood vessels. The reason for this is the predominant healthy unsaturated fats in the composition of macadamia. Macadamia is an important element of the paleo and keto diet, it can be a full-fledged snack in itself, and in crushed form — a dressing for soups, poke and grilled dishes.

9. Pecans
Perfect dessert nuts-traditionally they are associated with sweet pastries and really complement it perfectly. But by itself, pecans contain very little sugar, but a lot of healthy fats and protein.
Pecans are rich in antioxidants (all the same vitamin E and polyphenols), calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc-in general, they contain a full set of" nut benefits " [15]. Pecans can be sprinkled on ice cream and cream desserts, baked with them muffins and brownies, added to cream soups and baked meat or vegetables in the oven.