Strawberries – composition, benefits, harms and selection rules – Killianika
Strawberries – composition, benefits, harms and selection rules

Strawberries – composition, benefits, harms and selection rules

Refreshing and invigorating berry strawberry is one of the types of nutmeg strawberry with small fragrant fruit. They do not creep along the ground, like strawberries, but stretch up on stalks.
Based on the data of the Larousse encyclopedia of Gastronomy, the berry was named because of its round shape-from the word "tangle".
That is, any strawberry is a strawberry, but not any strawberry is a strawberry.1
Fresh strawberries are eaten for dessert with sugar or whipped cream. Strawberries are put in ice cream and fruit salads. Berries are also used for making mousses, souffles and chocolate. Open pies are made with it, compotes and jam are cooked.
Strawberry ingredients
Strawberries contain vitamins C, B, and PP.
The berry contains natural sugars, fruit acids, pectins and fiber.
The composition of 100 grams of strawberries as a percentage of the daily norm is presented below.
C – 98%;
B9 – 6%;
K – 3%;
B1 – 2%;
B6 – 2%.
manganese – 19%;
potassium – 4%;
magnesium – 3%;
iron – 2%
calcium – 2%.2
The caloric content of fresh strawberries is 32 kcal per 100 g.
Strawberry ingredients
The benefits of strawberries
Like all bright berries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, so they are good for your health.
For the immune system
Vitamin C from strawberries strengthens the immune system, protecting the body during the flu and cold season.3
The ellagic acid contained in strawberries helps fight cancer by slowing the growth of cancer cells.4
For the musculoskeletal system
In strawberries a combination of two chemical compounds – curcumin and quercetin. They remove toxins from human muscle tissue, prevent the appearance of arthritis and joint pain.5
For the cardiovascular and endocrine systems
Minerals from strawberries stimulate the production of the NrF2 protein, which lowers cholesterol in the blood. Strawberries are not only good for the heart, but also for the endocrine system. It prevents the risk of diabetes.6
Potassium and magnesium from strawberries strengthen the cardiovascular system and protect against hypertension.7
For the nervous system
The antioxidants contained in strawberries protect against stroke.Eight
Strawberry contains fisetin, which stimulates the brain. You can improve your short-term memory by eating a small portion of strawberries every day for eight weeks.Nine
Use strawberries
Fisetin of strawberries struggling with Alzheimer's and other diseases of advanced age.10
This antioxidant destroys breast cancer cells, enhancing the action of anti-cancer drugs.11
For the sensor system
Vitamin C and other antioxidants from strawberries reduce the risk of eye diseases and normalize intraocular pressure.12
For digestion
Strawberries are an effective tool in the fight against excess weight and stimulate the burning of accumulated fat.13
For the urinary system
Berry is a good diuretic, allows you to remove excess fluid from the body and improve kidney function.14
Effects on pregnancy
Folic acid or vitamin B9, which is found in strawberries, is prescribed to pregnant women for easy pregnancy.
For the cover system
Vitamins and fruit acids from strawberries improve the complexion and skin relief.16
The acids contained in strawberries whiten teeth and remove unwanted plaque.
Cosmetologists use strawberries as a natural care product. Face masks made from the pulp of these berries have a refreshing and nourishing effect.
Strawberry contraindications
allergies. Berries can cause skin reactions, as strawberries are a strong allergen. People who are prone to allergies may develop rashes, redness, and itching;
pregnancy. During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend eating strawberries in large quantities to reduce the risk of allergic reactions in the fetus;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Strawberries should not be used for exacerbations of peptic ulcer, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Harm of strawberries
Strawberries do not harm the body, but they can cause an allergic reaction if you eat a lot of berries at once.
How to choose strawberries
When choosing berries, pay attention to the color saturation and aroma. Berries should be dry and ripe, without yellow spots and with green tails.
How to store strawberries
Strawberries can not be stored for a long time. Keep fresh berries in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Do not wash the berries before you put them away for storage, because they secrete juice and lose their taste.
The benefits and harms of strawberries depend on how you prepare the berry. Eat it fresh – then the composition and calorie content of strawberries will remain unchanged!