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Cauliflower contains a large amount of substances that have anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic properties, protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system, improves brain function and even prevents weight gain.100 g of raw cauliflower contains:25 calories5.3 g carbohydrates2 g protein0.1 g fat2.5 g fiber46.4 milligrams Vit C (77% DV)16 mcg Vit K (20% DV)The content of these substances is indicated for only 100 g of the product. The low calorie content allows you to eat more cauliflower in a variety of meals.Inflammation protectionInflammatory reactions are at the root of nearly all of the most common chronic diseases. Cauliflower is rich in antioxidants and...

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The benefits of broccoliBroccoli is a nutrient-rich vegetable. The beneficial properties of broccoli include a positive effect on digestion, cardiovascular, immune systems, as well as anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects. What's more, broccoli is low in sodium and calories and contains no fat at all.“Broccoli contains significant amounts of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin A,” says Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist at the Texas Institute of Fitness at the University of Texas at Austin. - "And also a sufficient amount of protein."Broccoli is a rich source of plant pigments and antioxidants. Plant pigments are substances that give plants their...

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The range of use of onions is wide enough. The beneficial effect in many areas allows onions to be considered a fairly universal remedy for healing the body and maintaining its condition at the proper level. So, according to official data, onions contribute to: • normalizing blood glucose levels; • accelerates wound healing; • recommended for boils and pustular lesions; • accelerates the healing of burns; • recommended for strengthening blood vessels and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system; • has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs in case of bronchitis and inflammation; • with symptoms of anemia;...

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Of all the existing types of offal, beef liver is the most complete. When purchasing a product, it is important to pay attention to its freshness. The cut of the liver should be smooth with a fairly uniform structure. Weight must be less than 2 kilograms. The liver of young animals is friable, light brown, with a delicate texture. But the liver of a mature animal may have a bitter taste. It is recommended to soak such a product in milk before use.Fried beef liver is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as macro- and microelements....

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OnionOnion contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, but most of all it contains vitamin C, B, PP, fluorine, magnesium and iron.Onion is a natural "antibiotic" that can strengthen health and support it during colds. The antibacterial properties of onions are in the presence of phytoncides, which are a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body.

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